Featured on George Weigel's Gardening Q&A
/If you're coming to us today through George Weigel's Gardening Q&A article on figs, welcome! We're a young family starting up a u-pick orchard and fruit tree nursery in Mechanicsburg, PA. Learn a little more about our family and the purpose of our farm. To keep up with us you can join our email distribution list by using the Subscribe section on this page or Contact Us with questions. Check us out on Facebook as well!
Are you interested in growing your own figs? We sell figs trees (along with other fruit trees) starting each May until we sell out. Check out our list of varieties, then Contact Us if you'd like to be notified as soon as trees are available next Spring! Check out our article (a how-to of sorts) on how to grow fig trees in our climate.
Do you have a fig tree in your yard that's been part of your family for as long as you can remember? Did you inherit a fig tree and don't know what variety it is? We collect and propagate varieties local to south central PA and would love to learn about your tree and get some cuttings! Please Contact Us and let us know about your tree.
Garden guru George Weigel in amongst our potted figs and pawpaws
Tim & George chatting figs in the orchard