What We Grow
Interested in wholesale? Inquire about wholesale quantities.
How We Grow
At Threefold Farm, we utilize organic compost and fertilizers to help build our soils in order to grow healthy plants and provide the healthiest produce.
We grow unusual fruits, in part, because they tend to require less in the way of sprays. We also choose plant varieties that are disease-resistant and space & train our plantings to minimize the need for sprays, even though it means less yield for us as the farmer. If we do need to use a spray on our plants, we choose only organic-approved products. Even so, many of our plantings are sprayed minimally or not at all.
Have more questions on our growing practices? Please ask when you visit!
Harvest Chart
Approximate ripening for our fruits. May vary season-to-season by several weeks depending on weather.

July through early August
Sizes: U-pick, by the half-pint fresh, by the 1 or 4 pound bag frozen
Von Blackberries

Perhaps our most famous specialty crop, we grow delicious figs that are hardy and ripen in our area. Flavors range from berry to honey and colors from green to violet to almost black.
Mid August through early October
Sizes: By the half-pint fresh, by the pound frozen
Too many to mention

North America's largest native fruit. Tropically-related. Tastes like a cross between a banana and a mango with a custard-like texture. Delicious on its own, in ice cream, or in baked desserts.
We grow only cultivated varieties which tend to be higher yielding and produce delicious fruits with a high pulp to seed ratio.
End of August through mid to late October
Sizes: By the pound
Peterson cultivars, KSU cultivars, PA Golden, Sunflower, NC-1.

Kiwi Berries
A grape-sized cousin of the familiar fuzzy kiwi fruit, this hardy relative bears a fuzz-less and much sweeter fruit with the same kiwi flavor. You can eat this fruit skin and all.
Around mid-September
Sizes: By the pint
Passion Popper
Asian & American Persimmons
This beautiful orange to red fruit is one of the most popular in the world. We grow some varieties that are ripe when hard (non-astringent) and others that need to soften (astringent). Both are very sweet and our one of our favorites when they ripen later in the season.
Mid-October to early and mid November. Limited quantities due to young planting.
Sizes: By the pound
Ripe when hard (Non-Astringent) - Ichi Ki Kei Jiro, Tam Kam, Gwang Yang
Ripe when soft (Astringent Asian) - Too many to mention
Ripe when soft (Astringent American) - Too many to mention