Week in Pictures 6/8/2014
/This week's post in memory of my grandmother, Phyliss "Grammy" Mengle, who passed away this past week. She loved pink and purple so we'll start off the post with some roses.
Pink climbing roses for Grammy
A peculiar spot for a nest among the blackberries
A new trellis for our brambles.
Big fig alley. Hopefully all of these will have fresh figs by the end of summer!
An Asian persimmon in bloom. Beautiful leaves, nice plant form, and beautiful fall color. Oh, and delicious fruit that doesn't need spraying. This is rapidly becoming one of my favorite trees in the orchard.
Goumi berries ripening. Carefree plant, early ripening, nitrogen fixer. Berries are decent but have a single large pit inside.
Blueberries sizing up for harvest later this month. Yum!
Lingonberry plant growing between our blueberries. This would seem to be about the southern extent of its range.
Male che tree planted right next to its female companion for, you know, obvious reasons.
The beginnings of a European pear espalier.
Flying dragon citrus (poncirus trifoliata) thriving after a very very bitterly cold winter.
A post would be remiss without a shot of our vegetable garden. Everything is coming on nicely and we'll soon have some summer-type vegetables available!
Late-planted tomatoes with drip tubing installed. Most are cherries so they should all bear pretty quickly!